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30 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

To Change All Worlds

Trueman, Carl R
To Change All Worlds
To Change All Worlds: Critical Theory from Marx to Marcuse by Carl R. Trueman is an accessible introduction to the history and development of critical theory. From Hegel and Marx, to Korsch and Lukács, to the Frankfurt School, to Wilhelm Reich and Herbert Marcuse--Trueman focuses on the key figures of critical theory, positioning them within their historical context and tracing the development of critical theory through its various movements, ...

CHF 46.90

Fremde neue Welt

Trueman, Carl
Fremde neue Welt
Die Welt, in der wir leben, ist kompliziert und vielen Menschen fremd geworden. Die eine "große Erzählung", die uns sagt, wer wir sind und wie wir leben sollen, gibt es nicht mehr. Vom christlichen Abendland ist nur die Asche geblieben und selbst den großen Erzählungen vom Humanismus oder von der Aufklärung schenken heute nur noch wenige Glauben. Gefragt sind die "kleinen Erzählungen". Immer mehr Gemeinschaften, die früher keine oder nur eine ...

CHF 23.90

Crisis of Confidence

Trueman, Carl R.
Crisis of Confidence
Carl Trueman explains the importance of creeds and confessions today, including how they help churches navigate the modern culture of expressive individualism.

CHF 36.90

Der Siegeszug des modernen Selbst

Trueman, Carl
Der Siegeszug des modernen Selbst
Die moderne Kultur wird zunehmend von Fragen und Antworten rund um die sexuelle Identität beeinflusst - ob im öffentlichen Diskurs oder bei kulturellen Trends. Jedes gesellschaftliche Phänomen hat seine historischen Wurzeln. Von Augustinus, über Rousseau bis hin zu Marx oder Freud sind unterschiedliche Auffassungen des Selbst vorgestellt worden. Im 20. Jahrhundert wurden diese Konzepte des Selbst nicht nur psychologisiert und eng mit der Sexua...

CHF 36.90

Strange New World Study Guide

Trueman, Carl R
Strange New World Study Guide
In the Strange New World Study Guide, Trueman walks through each of the book's 9 chapters, summarizing key points, posing thought-provoking questions, and providing Bible verses for further reading.

CHF 17.90

Luther's Legacy: Salvation and English Reformers, 1525-1556

Trueman, Carl R.
Luther's Legacy: Salvation and English Reformers, 1525-1556
This book is the first major and exclusive study of the Christian idea of salvation as seen through the eyes of five sixteenth-century English reformers--John Frith, John Hooper, Robert Barnes, John Bradford, and the famous Bible translator, William Tyndale. The author sets their views in context, both historically and intellectually, before engaging in a detailed and clear examination of all the relevant aspects of their thought, from electio...

CHF 259.00

Strange New World

Trueman, Carl R.
Strange New World
Carl Trueman identifies the historical, philosophical, and technological influences that have shaped present-day identity politics and teaches believers how to shift their modern understanding of personhood to a biblical perspective.

CHF 23.90

El Origen Y El Triunfo del Ego Moderno

Trueman, Carl R
El Origen Y El Triunfo del Ego Moderno
Trueman estudia el pasado, trae claridad al presente y da guía para el futuro, mientras los cristianos navegan la cultura en la búsqueda siempre cambiante del ser humano por la identidad. Trueman surveys the past, brings clarity to the present, and gives guidance for the future as Christians navigate the culture in humanity's ever-changing quest for identity.

CHF 25.90

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

Trueman, Carl R.
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
Carl Trueman traces the historical roots of many hot-button issues such as transgenderism and homosexuality, offering thoughtful biblical analysis as he uncovers the profound impact of the sexual revolution on modern human identity.

CHF 44.90

Solid Ground: 25 Years of Evangelical Theology

Trueman, C. / Trueman, Carl
Solid Ground: 25 Years of Evangelical Theology
Evangelical Theology has long sought to provide people with solid ground on which to base their understanding of God, the world and themselves. For many years the theological journal 'Themelios' (which means 'solid ground' in Greek) has played an important part in that endeavour with its articles written for non-experts by world-renowned evangelical theologians on topics of perennial interest. Now selected articles from 'Themelios' have been r...

CHF 32.50

John Owen

Trueman, Carl R
John Owen
John Owen is considered one of the sharpest theological minds of the seventeenth century and a significant theologian in his own right, particularly in terms of his contributions to pneumatology, christology, and ecclesiology. This work presents a major study of the key elements of John Owen's writings and his theology.

CHF 77.00